Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lickity Split Lasagna

Hey everyone!  I had hopped to have my pantry reveal tomorrow, but I don't think it is going to happen.  Hopefully by next week.  My kiddos are staying with their Nana and Granny this weekend.  My husband and I are headed to a B&B for some relaxation.  So have a great weekend and see you next week!

Here is my Lickity Split Lasagna recipe.  Maybe you can use it over the weekend for a quick and easy meal.  I cannot remember where I got it(I have had it for a few years) but it is yummy.  Use your favorite brands and just follow the recipe.  I will say I usually use three noodles per row and do three layers.  It makes the dish better to me.  Enjoy!

I think I need some new cards.  Looks like sauce!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Spice Rack

Well I have been hard at work on my pantry.  It is looking good and I hope to be done by Friday!  I am excited to reveal it to everyone.  My arm is sore from painting.  Yikes, I am out of shape.

Anyway, I wanted to post something that I meant to last week but forgot about it.  I have a spice rack that my Grandma gave me years ago.  It belonged to her mother, my Great-Grandma McClure.  It is nothing fancy or not worth a lot of money but I have always liked it.  I do not really have a lot of heirlooms, so I cherish this little spice rack.  I like to think of my Grandma McClure using it in her kitchen and cooking up some wonderful dishes for her family.  My Grandma McClure was a fantastic cook and she passed everything down to my Grandma(her only daughter and child).  We all love my Grandma's cooking and she is still making us wonderful home-cooked meals at 82 years!  Now, I am not such a great cook even though I do try.  However, I think my Great Grandma's organizing skills must have been passed down to me.  I always have my spices organized just like she must have years ago.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sprucing Up the Pantry

So my next project that I will be working on is the pantry.  I am going to repaint the shelves, add ribbon to the trim and use baskets to organize.  I also need to make labels and tags for the baskets.  I will post before pics  as I go along and after pics when it is all finished.  Wish me luck!