Friday, February 3, 2012

I dream of a clean room

One of my goals this year is to get my kids on the road to being more organized.  I have been working on both of their rooms trying to find solutions that will work for them and me.  My daughter's room for some reason has been the easier one to keep organized.  Now don't get me wrong, she is 3 and knows how to destroy a room quicker than the Tasmanian devil, but she has gotten into picking up her things as long as mommy helps.  Last week we clear her room out and put everything back in its place.  The room has stayed pretty well kept up this week.  She really likes taking everything out of her room and putting it in the buckets.  I would still like to tag and label in her room, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet!  I will soon.  Above you will see the before picks.

Here are some pictures of everything out and ready to put back in the right place.

And as you can see above are the after pictures.  This took less than two hours and it feels so good to have a clean and organized space.  I posted some pictures of the closet to show the shelves my husband built and added to the closet.  It has been so awesome having the extra shelving space and has stayed organized since we did it.  About 3 to 4 weeks ago.  The cost was less than $30.00 to do the shelves.  I still need to paint them and it will happen soon, too!


  1. Everything's so tidy, kudos for getting it done!

  2. Thanks! It is tough to have a tidy room and a three year old but we try!

  3. Thanks so much for joining us on "Strut Your Stuff Saturday". We loved having you and hope to see you back next week with more great ideas! - The Sisters

  4. Thanks Six Sisters for hosting a great link up!
