Monday, January 6, 2014

Trimming the Fat. So to Speak.

Happy New Year! 

2013 went by in such a blur I can hardly believe it!  I have not blogged since October and really needed the break and time to think about how I wanted to move ahead with my blogging.  I have decided to stay but there will be some changes coming in the next few months, so be on the lookout.

No for some “fat trimming”.  I have been on a new path in life along with my family to live a more simple life.  For anyone who has done or is working on this type of lifestyle, you will understand that it can be a challenge.  We have made small changes here at home like clearing out things that were no longer needed to making a new household budget.  Over the next few weeks, I will share how we have been implementing a more simple lifestyle.

  I hope you will join me and I am happy to be here to blog in what I know will be an amazing 2014!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Organizing Tip Tuesday-Target Dollar Bins


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Do you love Target?  Well, I do.  Big Time!  I make a trip once a week by myself and enjoy time on my own, plus some good deals here and there.

At the front of the store are the Dollar Bins.  You can find some pretty good deals here and hey, everything is under $5 bucks.  Now, as someone who is new to living a more simplified lifestyle, this space at Target could be bad.  However, I am learning to shop for only things I need and I am more than prepared to walk away from this section empty handed.  I have been teaching myself over the past weeks to go into a store and only buy things that are needed in our home or for my family.  It is really not that hard once you get it into your mindset.  I promise.

So, I was in this section of Target and came across this utensil holder for $1.  It is small and narrow.  This would do just fine for our drawer and silverware.  That was all I picked up in the Dollar Bins.  I walked away very happy and not feeling at all that I needed any more stuff.  I have gone to Target lately and walked around the store leaving without a single item.  For me, this has been a good technique to use to get into that mindset of buying what is only a necessity. 

So my tip for this week is to check out those Dollar Bins at your local Target but only get what you can truly use. 

Have a great week and take some Time to Organize.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Organizing Tip Tuesday- Where are the keys?

How many times in one week can you say you have asked the question, “Where are the keys?”  I am betting a whole lot!  I bet that people waste an average of 5 to 10 minutes a day looking for their keys.  At least that is the amount of time I know we have wasted looking for keys in our house.

I did have a silver metal container that I used to keep on a bookshelf behind our desk but since I re-organized that space I had to find a new home for our keys.  I was stumped!  For the life of me, I could not figure out where the heck I was going to have our keys housed!  Then it just hit me one night sitting on the couch and I was looking at our desk.  I actually felt kind of silly that the idea had never occurred to me before considering it was such a simple solution.
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BOOM!  A Command hook placed on the desk for the keys to hang and be in plain sight.  I know!  I’m a genius!  This was even way better than where we had kept them before.  Sadly, I lost backs for two of my hooks and need to replace them so my husband can hang his keys here as well. 

Very simple and easy organization!  Just make sure the keys are hanging there every night before turning in.  It could save you some awesome time the next day.

Have a great day and take some Time to Organize!